Hello London
9 Oct 2013
Hello London. While it was nice to visit you from Bristol and see you
every few weeks for an evening or so, I eventually succumbed to your charms
and moved in with you.
I took the occasion of moving to London as an
excuse to commission a brand new desk from Bristol carpenter Nick Crossling. I
designed it to measure, starting from an oak panel Nick originally
sourced from a church and which is now the desktop, and adding a whole
load of oak veneer wood with beautiful solid wood edging from Avon
Shiny new oak studio console |
On the desk you see a pair of my new ADAM A7X speakers,
perched atop some very heavy Primacoustic Isolation pads. On the right
there is 19" rack space, currently only filled with one unit (Focusrite
Octopre preamp) and in the middle two shelves which exactly fit music
manuscript paper.
But the best thing is the
deliciously quiet computer server cabinet. It's made with 1.5cm thick
acoustic foam and keeps a total lid on disk/fan noises coming from my
Mac Pro. The custom glass door is chunky and looks lovely - even though
it currently doesn't close (magnet still pending).
the desktop you'll see a keyboard peeking out. The keyboard tray took
some very careful planning and Nick has done a great job of making it
the smoothest, heavy but easy to roll out drawer I've put my fingers on.
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